Welcome to my 99 in 999!!!

Welcome, so as of lately I discovered someone's blog who is doing this whole 99 in 999... which is basically obtaining 99 goals in 999 days. I first thought about how 999 days is a long ways a way and in a sense, it just gives me more time to procrastinate... but then I figured with some of the things I wanna do, I won't be able to do them in say just 1 or two years... so the 999 is pretty good. So at the bottom of this page, I will be starting to create my 99 list... this may take a while... so I am not going to start a countdown untill my list is fully created. As this creation may take a while, I am going to open up the lines for any suggestions on things that should go on the list... Hopefully this list and blog will help me cut down on my procrastination and my inability to stay focused and remember things. Mainly though, give me goals to work towards and personal drives to keep me going. Our lives need a little excitement. Well... we're off..................

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9. Back to the future marathon

Well, the week I got back from New Mexico, I was cruising around and decided to stop at a local movie and music shop. While in there I came across a used box set of the Back to the Future Trilogy! Knowing my goal and my love for BTTF, I went with it and proceeded back to my humble abode and checked off another goal! A while back I realized that in order to finish my goals, I will have to do on average 2-3 goals a month. This kind of makes the reality of this thing a bit more pertinent, in that you think 999 days is a while, but in comparison to amount of things I need to get done, no. Especially since I have many goals that are a bit more indepth, complicated and monetarily stressing. Getting back into the swing of school and such has taken most of my focus these past few weeks, but I am hoping that once I get into a steady rhythm I will be able to put some more attention to these goals. I do have plans to accomplish another goal this Saturday, as I will be attending a peaceful march in Charleston to support the Freeing of Marc Emery from US custody. I am really looking forward to this!